人気一 touch and smile ラベル Art for All
葛飾北斎作 神奈川沖浪裏 別名グレートウエーブは平和のシンボル
モネ、ゴッホ、ドビッシーなどフランスの印象派やミュシャ、エミールガレなどのアール・ヌーボーに多大な影響を与えた北斎の力は、19世紀後半ジャポニスム旋風として世界を巻き込みました。その北斎の絵画の中でも世界で一番有名なこのグレートウエーブは、美しい自然と調和し、和をもって共に生きる日本人の姿が描かれた日本が世界に誇る 平和の姿 です。目を閉じて、北斎の力強い大波が過ぎ去った世界を想像して見てください。きっとそこには静寂な森羅万象の平和の世界が広がっているはずです。
触察画ラベルで Art for All !
Touch and smile ラベルについて
人気一の touch and smile ラベルは、バリアフリーの世界への関心を高め、世界の人々に笑顔を届けるための、1酒蔵の小さな試みです。障害者の方々も普通に生活ができるバリアフリーの社会が世界平和の基本だと私たちは考えます。
Art beyond signt: 視覚に頼らずに、絵画を解釈する方法を考え、そして周りに伝えて見ませんか? そんなあなたの試みが、バリアフリーの社会を実現する一歩となるはず。
TEAM MASAからのメッセージ
TEAM MASAは2013年2月に、常磐大学中村正之研究室の学生や卒業生、活動に賛同する人々で結成されました。中村正之研究室では、ある全盲の知人の「天体写真を手でさわって鑑賞できるようになるといいのに。」という一言がきっかけで、2006年に「さわれる天体写真」の開発を始めました。
この冨嶽三十六景の触察化プロジェクトの開始こそがTEAM MASAの活動開始の時でもあります。2013年秋には山梨県立博物館の協力を得て、「冨嶽三十六景」全46作品の触察版を完成させ、2014年には同館がシンボル展「さわれる冨嶽三十六景」を開催し、大きな反響を呼びました。
TEAM MASAの活動はまだまだゴールが見えません。やりたいこと、やるべきことが次々に出てきます。昨夜起こったばかりの天文現象も触察化したいし、北斎さんの作品もたくさん触察化したい。それらを世界中の人たちに届けたい。さらに触察資料の作り方も世界中の人たちに伝えたい。思いは尽きません。
Ninkiichi Touch and Smile Label Art for All
This Ninki-Ichi Label is made for the blind and visually impaired to enjoy arts and to raise awareness for disability inclusion in the world of arts by touching.
Great wave off the coast of Kanagawa, Hokusai Katsushika
Great wave by Hokusai is the symbol of our Peace
Very powerful big wave with white splash looking down on the people who try to lead their daily life as usual, while our ultimate mountain of all living creatures, Mt. Fuji, is there to govern the peaceful life of our universe.
Power of Hokusai influenced French Impressionists such as Van Gogh, Monet, Debussy and Art Nouveau artists such as Mucha and Emille Galle, and created the worldwide syndrome called Japonism. Most known work of all Japanese arts is this Great Wave by Hokusai, and Hokusai tells us through the Great Wave that Japan has one of the most beautiful nature of the world and people are to live in harmony with them. This is the message for the peace which only Japan can deliver to the world.
Please close your eyes, and imagine our world after the Great Wave of Hokusai. We sincerely hope that you will find a very serene and peaceful universe there.
Art beyond Sight: Art for All !!
"Touch and Smile! Your Smile Makes Us Happy!"
This is a pioneering work of 'Art beyond Art and Art for All'
Please close your eyes. Touch softly the line drawing on the label. You are sure to feel excited to find out what is drawn in the art. It will help you explore the new world of art. Let us all enjoy the art without sight. Let us all 'see' the same tactile art with our heart.
Message from TEAMMASA
TEAM MASA was formed in February 2013 by students and graduates of Tokiwa University Masayuki Nakamura laboratory and people who agreed with the activities. Several years ago, one of the star-gazing friends who has a totally blind uncle had said to Nakamura, "My uncle said he wishes he could touch and appreciate this astrophotography by hand." This made him and his members start the development of tactile materials.
1. What is tactile material?
Tactile material includes such photos and paintings, printings that are specially made for the blind and visually impaired to appreciate by touching by fingers. TEAM MASA has been developing such tactile material like cosmic photos, portraits, and Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock printings for over ten years. In order to fulfill the concepts of the tactile material, the following three points should be satisfied:
(1) Tactile material should be easily reproduced.
(2) Tactile material should be produced in no time.
(3) Tactile material should be displayable.
3. Making Tactile Japanese Woodblock Prints
TEAM MASA had made tactile material such as cosmic photos, portraits, insects such as stag beetles and butterflies. In 2012, they chose Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock prints as a new topic of the tactile material; they chose the most world-famous Japanese Ukiyo-e 'Great Wave Off Kanagawa' ('Kanagawa-Oki Namiura') by Hokusai Katsushika.
TEAM MASA wishes all the people show smile with happiness appreciating these tactile material and booklets through fingers.
Picture1 TEAM MASA members
Pictur style="clear:both;"actile faces
Picture4 Tactile Hokusai-Fugaku
Picture5 Tactile Fugaku Exhibition in Mito
Picture6 Masa smiling